Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Deceptively Not so Delicious...yet

Well, I've started testing recipes out of the Deceptively Delicious cookbook. So far I have tried 4 recipes (and one I made up using leftovers from one of the recipes.)

Here is the verdict so far:

Applesauce Muffins:
** 2 Stars
-Garrison didn't like them

Chocolate Chip Cookies with Chick Peas: **** 4 stars.
-Everyone liked them even Garret, but they are a dessert so 4 stars. I will probably make them again.

Tortilla "Cigars" (which I renamed Tortilla Roll-ups): * 1 Star
-The kids didn't like them, I thought they were good. But my opinion doesn't count because I'm a mom. David kept acting like he was going to throw up with each bite (come on), Garrison did touch them and took a small bite of tortilla but wouldn't eat anymore, Andrew just squished out the filling and rubbed it in his hair (good thing he just got a hair cut.) I would like to make them again, but probably won't because I don't want to be the only one eating them.

Rice Balls: 1.5 stars
-David didn't like them, but when you only take a small taste of something it doesn't count. Andrew squished them and licked some of the stuff of his fingers. Garrison wouldn't touch them. I thought they were very tasty, but once again, my opinion doesn't count. I might try them again in the future, maybe if the kids have friends over to try them too. I think most kids would like these.

I had a lot of the filling left over from the tortilla roll ups, so I thought I would try to put it into a roll dough. Well, the rolls ended up looking like cookies. David and Andrew ate them, but Garrison smelled them and wouldn't even try it which is funny because they really didn't smell that bad. (I did put the rest in the fridge and when I opened them later, they weren't smelling so good, so maybe Garrison has a ultra sensitive nose.) Anyway, I would really like a recipe that incorporates veg and meat, not as a filling but as part of the dough. So if anyone has any recipes let me know.

It would be a victory if I could get Garrison to like one of the main dish meals. I'm getting tired of his pig only diet (bacon, ham, and hotdogs.) This may be a dessert only cookbook for us, however, I'm not giving up. I will try more of the dishes and let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Krista said...

That's too bad that they don't like more of the food. Good luck trying the rest out.